Great Learning and Great Riding Highlight the Lendon Youth Dressage Festival Midwest and the Emerging Dressage Athlete Program
The sun wasn’t the only thing shining this weekend in West Michigan![nbsp] Hampton Green Farm welcomed bright young riders and world class clinicians to coach, instruct and judge the third annual Lendon Youth Dressage Midwest Festival and the Emerging Dressage Athlete Program Section A Clinic. The highly successful event, which comprises three days, provides immersive hands on learning experiences for aspiring dressage riders, ages 8-21, and their families. [nbsp]
On Friday and Saturday, Lendon Gray hosted 11 hand-selected riders from her Emerging Dressage Athlete Program.[nbsp] During the two-day intensive clinic, each participant received invaluable one-on-one in-depth instruction and coaching from Lendon. [nbsp]
Saturday evening the aroma of Chef Boyer’s authentic paella filled the air.[nbsp] Riders and families gathered under the tent for a fabulous meal and an intimate question and answer session with Lendon and Nicholas Fyffe, a rising star in the sport of dressage.[nbsp] Nicholas inspired us with his humility, dedication and love for the sport. Lendon shared her passion for developing young riders’ dressage skills and character.[nbsp] Together, they provided a warm and candid perspective on the challenges and realities of climbing the ladder of competitive dressage.[nbsp] The theme, hard work + dedication = life success, resonated with all in attendance.[nbsp] Their personal stories reflected the ups and downs experienced by top-level riders in the sport and the reality that competitive dressage success requires hard work + dedication + a little luck![nbsp][nbsp][nbsp] All enjoyed and appreciated the down-to-earth, practical advice.
On Sunday, a number of local riders joined the clinic riders for the Lendon Youth Dressage Festival Midwest.[nbsp] This exceptional one-day competition includes three elements: a written exam, a dressage test and an equitation class.[nbsp] Canadian Olympian and International Dressage Judge Lorraine Stubbs officiated and, with the help of Nicholas Fyffe, provided objective evaluation and thoughtful feedback to each rider after their tests.[nbsp] [nbsp]
The festival concluded with closing remarks from Lorraine and an awards presentation to the riders.[nbsp] Few events offer an experience so rich with learning. It is a credit to the the sustained enthusiasm and commitment from the organizers, riders, parents, trainers, clinicians, judges and volunteers.[nbsp] Congratulations to our Champions and thank you to all who attended!